
The English School is a cooperative comprising families whose corporate purpose is to carry out non-university educational activities at different stages.

Governing council

The governing council is the cooperative’s governing, management and representative body. It is made up of parents and meets periodically to deal with all matters related to the running of the school per the powers attributed to it in the Articles of Association.

Management team

It comprises the principal, the headteacher, and the coordinators of the preschool, primary and secondary stages. The management team coordinates with the governing council to design and direct the policies, methods and strategies for the management of the school and the staff.

Psychopedagogical team

The center’s psychopedagogical team, consisting of a psychologist and a psychopedagogist, is committed to ensuring the well-being and academic success of every student. Through their direct attention to students, diagnosis, and therapy, teacher training and counseling, attention, advice and conferences for families, this team plays a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of each student.

Teaching staff

The teaching staff comprises 40 teachers, qualified according to the current legal conditions, who, from their position as teachers, tutors or coordinators of each area department, work to provide our education with the maximum coherence and professionalism.

  • English department
  • Basque department
  • Spanish department
  • Mathematics department
  • Science department
  • Guidance department
  • Art department
  • Physical education department

In addition to the teaching staff, many professionals work directly with the pupils in activities such as music, sports, language reinforcement, etc.